We also have unique handmade French seams, with the edges completely encased with a very neat finish. That’s why you will never find a raw edge on our shirts.

We apply a high density of stitches, rooted in top end Napoli classic tailoring. They provide our shirts their clean look, proper shape and strong durability. The stitching defines and sharpens the body of our shirts. In this way the shirt keeps its casual and sharp look.Also the lowest buttonhole at the front of your shirt is horizontal, so it won’t open up while sitting and during everyday use.
We assemble our shirts with very neat and clean stitching. Our unique shirt stitching is very dense and minimal. Just a few select factories have the knowledge and ability to do this. Edge stitching is our designer’s choice that gives each garment such a clean look. This so called edge stitching makes the garment look very clean, modern and strong. At the edges of the seams, we use a highly dense 8 stitches per centimetre. Our front stitching is 3 millimetres from the edges. This also ensures shirts will never open up or disassemble during a regular wash.